Tuesday, July 16, 2013

3 Days for 30

I am not turning 30…! Yeah right! I’ve 3 more days to go..

Now, when did this happen? Seriously, I am so use to being in my 20’s, early 20’s, late 20’s. Now, calling myself a 30’ish something will need some getting used to. Is it any different than being in 20’s? I guess it is. I thought I would be a famous writer by this time. Or at least I would be travelling to exotic locales. But that’s how life is!

Gosh, now I can talk about things in the measurement of decades.
“Rememeber 10 years ago when…”. Yes. I do. I was 20.

Well, on the bright side- I do have a coochie poochie baby who is consuming my days and nights, and a super loving husband. Honestly, I couldn’t have asked for more. Sure, a lot of things could be better, but for the most part I'm happy.

Since I am official going to be a part of the 30 club in a span of 3 days, here's a song to it:

I’m a grown woman. I can do whatever I want. I can be bad if I want. I can do wrong if I want. I can live fast if I want. I can go slow all night long. I’m a grown woman.”
~ Beyonce’ Grown Women

So, Bring it On, I say!


  1. So Mosh will be hitting a milestone haan! You will 30 years young I would say. So glad that you started this.

    Absolutely loved reading the post!


  2. Thanks a tonne shelly belly. You oooze positivity, you know that.

  3. Well a very Happy 30th Birthday to you then! I hope you have a great day. It's not so bad on this side of the fence :)

  4. Hey Shefali, Thanks a lot. I am a huge admirer of your blog.

  5. Why to worry for 30'ish, Its all depend how u see the life.
    At 10*1st yr ur "Not Matured",
    at 10*2nd yr ur "Little Matured", Now ur in 10*3rd yr n Finally ur "Mature". Every time u get ur increased Maturity level, Ur still 10 multiplied by Maturity. U can do anything just we r stuck between our 10th yr and Maturity. So enjoy ur 10th Bday which is multiplied by 3...

  6. Hi Mousume, Found your blog while browsing. Happy 30th birthday and welcome to the club and rest assured it only gets better :)
